AtTFDB - Arabidopsis transcription factor database
AtTFDB is a comprehensive and public Arabidopsis TF
database. The criteria employed for TF identification was described in
Davuluri et al., 2003 and
Palaniswamy et al., 2006. The sequence of the TFs currently in AtTFDB corresponds to the most current release of the Arabidopsis genome in TAIR (TAIR9).
From this page, users may search the database for
TFs in two ways:
a) By utilizing a specific
LocusID or gene name search:
The user may enter a LocusID such as At3g24650, or a text field (such
as NAC). The results are listed in a Search Results table. If the
user marks the box in the first column and then moves to the bottom of
the list, either the nucleotide or protein sequence can be retrieved.
The family name, gene name, and description are displayed. In
addition, there are four Arabidopsis resources the user may use to
retrieve additional information,
(M) for MIPS (Munich Institute for Protein Sequences): the MATDB
within the MIPS website contains all Arabidopsis sequences and
annotation produced by the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative plus
mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes. Sequences were consolidated
from European sequencing projects, Cold Spring Harbor Lab, and
Washington University.
(S) for SALK: Utilizing the SIGnAL Arabidopsis Gene Mapping Tool, it
provides a map of the genome area in which the locus is found. One
the map, cDNA (full-length cloned copies of mRNA) and T-DNA (sites of
insertion of Agrobacterium T-DNA in the Arabidopsis genome)
information is displayed in relation to the LocusID entered.
(A) for TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resource): A genomic data
resource, collected from a wide variety of sources, with information
about genes, markers, polymorphisms, maps, sequences, clones, DNA and
seed stocks, gene families and proteins.
b) Browse Families: There
are 50 families (includes one family under the orphan category) of TFs currently listed. The user
may click on a link to one of the families and see the same Search Results
table as the Specific Search containing all TFs from
the specific family.
For details please read